Importing a CSV:
Head to your Leads tab on the sidebar. Click on the Register Lead button and select Import CSV.
We only support uploading a CSV (comma-separated values) file.
You can either download our CSV template or upload your own. Please note, that your your CSV must contain all the required fields of your Lead Registration form.
For more information on how to customize your Lead Registration, please refer to this article.
After selecting your file, click "Import Lead." The system will upload and check for missing information for required fields, marking them as errors. Optional fields won't flag errors.
If errors are found, the file will not import the Lead(s) until they have been corrected.
NOTE: If importing multiple leads, each lead will be considered a separate row.
Please note that our bulk lead functionality will not search for any existing/submitted leads in your portal. We recommend confirming any existing leads before uploading your CSV file to avoid any duplicates.
How to find the Partner and Agent ID as Admin:
When importing Leads, the Partner and Agent IDs are required to ensure the correct Partner is associated with the lead.
Head to your Partners tab and select the respective partner. You'll find their unique ID in their partner details.
If you'd like to associate a deal with a specific Agent on the Partner's team. Head to the specific partner and scroll to the bottom of the page to see their Agents. Click on the desired Agent to see their Agent ID.
Agents are optional and not required. Partners with only one user will not see any "agents" displayed, therefore, no Agent ID needs to be entered.
How to find the Agent ID as a Partner:
As a Partner, you can submit leads on behalf of your team. To find your Agents' IDs in the portal. Head to your Agents tab and select the specific Agent's name. Their unique ID will be in their account details.
Please note: if you are importing leads as a Partner or Agent, you will not need to enter your own account ID.
Successful Import:
Once you've collected all the necessary information and corrected any missing information, you'll need to import the file again. If no errors are found, you will see a message informing you of your successful import.
All leads imported will be placed in a Pending state and require approval from the admin team.
Please ensure, you refresh your portal to see your new Lead(s).
For more information on how to manage Leads, please refer to this article.